Purifying the Heart: The Essence of True Spirituality

Spirituality is all about keeping your heart clean and free from negativity. It’s about nurturing a pure, sincere heart that reflects your true inner self.

Living with a dirty heart is the greatest of all tragedies. 

The happy news is that even a person with a hard and dark heart, which became very dirty as the result of accumulating so many years of sins and impurities, can make it through repentance and hard work by chosing the path of Success, Happiness and Greatness.

God has given us the free will and faculties to discipline ourselves to keep our life’s journey on the right path.

When we protect our hearts from corruption and evil acts, the soul will have a better connection with its Creator. Every good deed we do causes us to illuminate our souls. Design your algorithm for your life’s journey by adding more positive life elements and removing all negative elements.